Well by now many you will have seen and heard the news that there are huge job losses at Freemans in Peterborough, where I work, and Grattans, our sister company up in Bradford. There are also losses at the Sheffield call centre and in London. It has come as no great shock to me, as I have seen the steady decline of the home catalogue shopping market, as e-commerce has taken over. I mean, just look at how easy us crafters can order over the internet, from many different countries too. It's so competative now, you really have to have a special, unique product or service to survive.
It's expected the closure of the Peterborough warehouse will happen in September, but I don't know if everyone will stay until that date...I doubt it very much. I would imagine it will be a gradual process. And if given the chance I personally would go sooner rather than later...more opportunities calling. I should get my long service award this year though, 21 years on February 1st. You actually get it for 20 years, but the cut-off date is January 31st each year, and even though I appealed last year they would not give me it. I ask you 20 years of loyal service, and they couldn't bend a little, unlike me who has bent over backwards to manage my team, worked after hours and not got paid for them (as my shift ends at 10:15 pm that means working beyond this time has meant very late nights, and I still have a day job too), gone in at short notice, and the list goes on, but I won't bore you with that. Just having a little sound off, like everyone else does at times....
Anyway lets stay positive, I get to spend more time with my family, not that my children will want to give up their freedom in the evenings, or my husband come to that. I will also have the chance to study photography at college during the evening, and put more emphasis on that. so wish me luck....
Tomorrow I'm taking a trip over to Soham to Capture The Magic, so I can buy some sample card and stuff for my son's wedding invitations. I'll be making up samples over the weekend, so I'll probably post them on my blog next week.

Got these awards from my blogging pal Lynsey Thanks so much girl that's cheered me up somewhat. I'm passing them to all the people who have been kind enough to leave me comments, But especially Rach she has always been helpful, has frequently visited my blog, and left such kind comments. You're a star Rach, and a great inspiration to all.
Take care for now and happy crafting.
Hi Debbie
I saw about Freemans on the news tonight and I wondered if that was where you worked. Glad you are looking on the positive side of things, its not always easy to do that. I hope you have a great shopping trip tomorrow!
Hugs Lynsey:)
Hi Debbie. It is sad news to hear of all these companies (especially those long standing ones) closing. Ecommerce and progress are not always a good thing all round, but times change and we all move on to a different life and it's better to think of it as a positive step forward. Some things are just beyond out control and we have to accept but make sure that the changes are good ones in the long term.
Make these enforced changes positive ones as you say. Your photography, more 'you' time.
Listen to me !! Confuchus says !! Ha Ha.
My god-mother worked for Woolworth for 15 years - she has decided she doesn't need her car, now has a bus pass and actually with less tax to pay she is not that much worse off. So now she has three extra morning to herself!
I hope and wish you good luck with your changes and some positive inspiration.
Everything of the best with things chaning on the work front. From one bad thing another good thing can emerge i.e. enjoy that photographic course! Hugs from Desire
Hi Hun sorry to hear about the job front. I hope that you enjoy your new found time with your family and your photography course... you will be able to give us all some tips when you are a fully fledged photographer..xx.
thank you sweetie for the kind mention you are so sweet... it is a pleasure to come and visit you and see all of your wonderful and inspiring creations..big hugs rachxxx
Sorry to hear about the job Debbie, it's such terrible times for so many people. My SIL was laid off from Nissan last week - the poor kids are devastated.
I've something for you on my blog
hugs Bev x
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