Sunday, 2 January 2011

Let Me Introduce You....

Hi everyone.

Well here he brand new Grandson Harry George.  Born on 26th December 2010 at 8.59pm, weighing in at 8lb 10oz.  A perfectly healthy beautiful boy.  I'm so lucky.  That makes four grandchildren for me now.

When I first saw Harry I thought he looked just like his dad....My son I dug out a photo of Paul so you could judge for yourselves....It's not that great a photo as it was taken by a very old basic camera, but I think you can see enough of a likeness.  It'll be interesting to see how Harry develops, and if he stays looking like his father.



Frideborg said...

Gratz to your new grandchild, so adoreable. And a copy of his dad.
Happy Ner Year 2011.

Regards Marina

Lou said...

Hi!Debbie,lovely photos and Congrats to you all.
Special wishes for 2011,
hugs Lou.xx

chris said...

Hi Debbie, nearly missed your new grandson, just looking through my dashboard.
gosh he is so like his Dad its unbelieveable. what a great great christmas pressie.
hugs chrisxx

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